2 - Characteristics

   2.1 - Variables

   You can define and use a memory-limited number of variables.
   To see the full variables list, choose the Windows->Variables
   menu item.

   2.2 - Constants

   Constants are not user-modifiable, but they can be used in your calculus.
   To see the full constants list, choose the Windows->Constants
   menu item.

   2.3 - Users functions

   You can define and use a memory-limited number of functions.
   To see the full functions list, choose the Windows->User functions
   menu item.

   2.4 - History

   All of your expressions and results are saved in the history.
   The max line number of it can be modified in the Preferences window
   or with the tooltypes.

   You can load/save an history by accessing to the History menu item from the main window menu.

   To copy an expression or a value from the history to the input zone, simply
   clic on the choosen line and clic on the [EXPR] button of the Main window,
   or choose the History->Expression menu item. In addition, it's also possible to double-clic on the
   choosen line and the resulting action will be determinated by the default mode of the
   Preferences window.

   2.5 - Builtin scientifics functions

   All classic scientifics functions are available:

    Int  : Integer value of a number
    Dec  : Decimal value of a number
    Abs  : Absolute value
     !   : Fact
     @   : Modulo
     %   : Divide a number by 100
    x�   : x power 2
    x�   : x power 3
    x^y  : x power y
    x-�  : x power -1
   10^x  : 10 power x
    EXP  : Multiply by 10 power something
   Rac�  : Square root
   Rac�  : Cubic root
   Rac n : nth root
    e^x  : Exponential
    Ln   : Neperian logarithm
    Log  : Decimal logarithm
    Sin  : Sine
    Cos  : Cosine
    Tan  : Tangeant
    Cot  : Cotangeant
   ASin  : Arc Sine
   ACos  : Arc Cosine
   ATan  : Arc Tangeant
   SinH  : Hyperbolic Sine
   CosH  : Hyperbolic Cosine
   TanH  : Hyperbolic Tangeant
   ASinH : Hyperbolic Arc Sine
   ACosH : Hyperbolic Arc Cosine
   ATanH : Hyperbolic Arc Tangeant

   To see the full scientifics functions list, choose the Windows->Scientifics functions
   menu item.

   It's possible to copy a scientific function in the input zone by double-
   clicking on it's line or by simple-clicking on it's line followed by a clic on the
   [OK] button.

   2.6 - Builtin programmers functions

   All functions a programmer need:

    And  : Logical AND
    Or   : Logical OR
    XOr  : Logical eXclusive OR
    Not  : Logical NOT
    <<   : Left rotate
    >>   : Right rotate
     <   : Left shift
     >   : Right shift

   To see the full programmers functions list, choose the Windows->Programmers functions
   menu item.

   It's possible to copy a programmer function in the input zone by double-
   clicking on it's line or by simple-clicking on it's line followed by a clic on the
   [OK] button.

   N.B.: in scientific's calc mode, you can convert numbers between
   different calc bases (see input zone).

Converted with gtoh, © 24.06.1997 N. DARNIS